Why Not Celebrate Your Wins?

Welcome to our group’s landing page. Why Not Celebrate your wins was officially launched on July 20, 2023. This space is a temporary virtual residence while we continue to flesh out the organizational drive and direction. Why Not?was brought into existence to make a monumental impact in both our local physical communities as well as in online supported communities. We are excited and extraordinary hope filled to be poised to serve others in several key areas. Continue reading to get acquainted with the many aspects of Why Not that we’ve developed thus far…

Come on over to our Facebook page where all the action is! Click here.

Tik Tok: coming soon

Visit our podcast library on Youtube to get all the tools you need for your goal development, goal pursuit, goal attainment endeavors. Click here.

So, what would prompt two incredibly busy adults to develop and launch “Why not celebrate your wins? Recently, the following trends have come to light which set the stage perfectly for the advent of a brand new movement.

Here’s the backdrop…

  • Two-thirds of adults feel that they did not have a significant figure in their lives who believed in them, contributing to low self-esteem(Gitnux, 2023); 
  • Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General,  raised concern about what he referred to as “a new public-health crisis: loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection.’  Included in that report, the Surgeon  General recommended  a strengthening of social infrastructure in communities as a means to combat that trend (Americanbar.org, 2023 ).

In response to those trends, “Why Not Celebrate Your wins” was developed as a conscious decision and an effective means to address these trends, first on a local level and in time on larger levels.

What we are committed to doing in response to those trends is…

To provide platforms, events, meetings, and entertainment that help people to celebrate small victories for themselves and others (the mission).

The endgame (the vision) is to motivate people to practice self-love by celebrating small victories which better enable them to accomplish big wins.

The common ideals (the core values) that will be used in this process are:

Christ centered

All of the actions of the group, thoughts and behavior will honor & glorify the LORD JESUS CHRIST individually and collectively and adhere to the Judeo-Christian tenants of scripture. The foundation of the group is represented in Phil 4:4. Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life.  However being a Christian is not a prerequisite before nor after joining the group.


By acknowledging the progress of others, we hope to spark a greater sense of commitment toward their goals. 


It is our hope that our affirmation will build confidence for some, to begin their goal pursuits and for others , to continue their goal pursuits. 


To help people understand the benefit of making strides in their goal pursuits and to also help them to connect the dots between their goal pursuits, the acknowledgment of their pursuits as a key component in building their self-love and ultimately their contentment. 


In light of the negative trends that are developing, we strongly believe that building a healthy, vibrant goal oriented community that understands the value of pursuing goals, acknowledging their progress and connecting with like minded people is the best way to counter those negative trends.

Mission, Vision & Values

The Wordsmiths of “Why Not”

Let’s take a peek behind the curtain to understand who the founders of this movement are, shall we? LaVerna Saunders is a single Mom and grandmother, who has been caring for her

LaVerna Saunders

aging mother for years. In addition to providing care for her mother, LaVerna has also been a care giver for other family members as well over the past 15 years. Concerned that caregiving was consuming too much of her time and robbing her of her identity, LaVerna sought the help and support of a life coach and began a journey of self reflection and transformation that awakened a dream she had been carrying but never acted on for many years. As Laverne embraced the principles of self-love provided in her coaching sessions, Laverne set her sights on making her dream come true. Mixing her vision

with the self-love principle of celebrating your accomplishments , as outlined as 1 of 7 dimensions in the book, Becoming A Self-Love Practitioner, “Why Not” was born. Together with her coach and cofounder , James W.Falcon, they see “Why Not” as the answer to the clarion call based the unfolding trends of low self-esteem & loneliness & isolation.
For more on James W. Falcon, click: the Founder.

James W. Falcon, MSOL, CLSSBB

Together they hope to inspire as many people as possible to understand and practice the principles of self-love as a catalyst for personal growth & development to ignite others to begin and/or to continue their goal pursuits. Additionally, LaVerne & James are committed to acknowledging and celebrating the strides others are making in their goal pursuits. Chiefly, they want to encourage people to not wait for another birthday or special occasion to acknowledge and celebrate their goal pursuit progress. But to celebrate early and often. They plan to do so via the virtual community of goal oriented, self-love based support they are building. It is their hope that a movement will spread like wildfire from their virtual community through their physical communities on a local level then nationally and then perhaps internationally.

A True Commitment to their members

To take their concern for the health and wellbeing of others to the high level, Laverna & James sought assistance to make sure they could focus on the wellbeing of the members of this group they were forming. To do that they asked Theresa Angela to join them in their efforts.

Theresa Angela, advisory board member

Theresa Angela is a professional with nearly 20 years of experience in high volume face to face and telephone Contact Center settings. Theresa enthusiastically joined the team as Why Not’s first advisory board member and leadership team member. Theresa’s bio is as follows: Theresa is an extraordinary professional, life coach and advisor with 20 plus years of coach practice ownership experience. Theresa is a certified hypnotherapist & quantum healer. Theresa has a coach client relations methodology that is second to none. As a result Theresa’s practice has maintained a monthly client-on-record of no fewer than 100 clients driven solely by client referrals. Theresa’s wisdom and experience makes her a standout as a coach. She also serves as coach advisor, couples coach, and content contributor of the curriculum at A New Horizon Life Coaching Products & Virtual Services. Thanks to Theresa’s input in the very early stages of Why Not’s rollout helped LaVerna & James hurdle a several obstacles that would have otherwise delayed the launch. They are grateful for Theresa’s contributions thus far. And look eagerly forward to her future contributions. As 3 leader front, Why Not is poised to make a powerful impact on and through the communities they serve. Since the launch, the group has exploded to 40 members strong and is growing by way of a gentle, organic formula they’ve developed. LaVerna , James & Theresa wholeheartedly believe that their individual growth and development will inspire and ignite the growth & development of their group and its individual members. Look forward to spawning many newsworthy things from the leaders and their group going forward.

“Why Not?” is another division of the helps network, Encouragement Is Key and is the exclusive intellectual property of its creators, LaVerna Sainders & James W. Falcon. Any and all information pertaining to “Why Not Celebrate Your Wins? must not be duplicated without expressed written consent from Encouragement Is Key, LaVerna or James.